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Hardware & Software
for Digital Labs

Cambridge, UK
29 June 2022

Digital Labs represent a paradigm shift for research organisations. It implies radical transformation of infrastructure and significant changes in the skills required from academics, researchers and the support staff. But today even some basic challenges, such as data standards and standards for communication between instruments are not yet resolved.


In this meeting we will present a number of advanced options and have an open discussion on the path towards future fully digital labs.


Workshop Programme

all times are British Summer Time zone


08:30 Registration opens


09:30 Introduction to the workshop, aims and format. Prof. Alexei Lapkin, Director of iDMT.

09:40 Deploy, Integrate and Develop with Lighning AI. Robert Lee, Head of Solutions Architecture.

 10:10 DeepMatter: Cloud lab solution. Dave Parry, Research, DeepMatter Plc.

10:40 Digital Twins: Laboratory and Materials - as part of the World Avatar. Dr Amit Bhave, CMCL Innovations Ltd.

11:10 Break / Exhibition / Posters / Networking

11:40 Flab - fast flexible and fun coding platform for democratizing AI-accelerated labs. Dr Nicholas Jose, Accelerated Materials Ltd.

12:10 Digitalisation of flow chemistry within Vapourtec. Dr Manuel Nuno, Vapourtec Ltd


12:40 Lunch / Exhibition / Posters / Networking

13:30 High throughput liquid handling in R&D. Dr Anne Hammerstein, SPT Labtech Ltd.

14:00 Managing chemical knowledge using graph-based tools. Prof. Alexei Lapkin, Chemical Data Intelligence (CDI) Pte Ltd.

14:30 Handling molecular data for synthesis and automation. Prof. Jonathan Goodman, University of Cambridge.

15:00 iDMT roadmap to a digital lab demo; a call for collaboration


15:30 Break / Exhibition / Posters / Networking

16:00 Innovation 4.0: A holistic view of R&D digitalisation in the chemical sciences. Matthew Reeves, Knowledge Transfer Network, Innovate UK.


Optional Networking / Refreshments available until 18:00

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